Brittany and Tim

Philmont Country Club

Philadelphia, PA

What better way is there to start off the New Year than attempting to actually reach one of your goals?

Personal Life goals: Be more present with family. Take better care of my mind and body.

Business goals: Blog shit! Keep up with my site and invest in myself.

With daycare being closed until Tuesday I am 100% getting so much more baby time than before so check that off. This morning I rode the bike (shocker) so check that off. My snack is 100% not healthy because extra cheesy Cheese-Its are life… so room to grow. And now onto blogging something! I tried so damn hard to get out my weddings before the end of the year, but again - that whole daycare being closed thing really put a damper on that. Nonetheless, we back - almost.

Can we just take a moment for Brittany and Tim. *Insert long pause. When I first met these two in real life it was at the hot AF engagement session. Surprise to no one, i was a sweaty swamp monster and these two were just laughing through the whole thing. It’s not often that I feel like I’ve known a couple for a while at our first meeting, but there is just something about these two. At the wedding it was the same thing. The first thing Brittany did was offer me a beer and then he sister came over to offer me food. It’s like they know the way to my heart. Tim is one thousand percent on the same level. The speeches at a wedding are when I feel like I get to know my couples the best as their stories of growing up are recounted. While I won’t ever get to meet Tim’s parents, it feels like he is living out their legacy in the best way possible.

Enjoy this beautiful wedding!

Jessica Terkowski